

Sunday, March 18, 2012

How to Install a Window

Windows come fully assembled when you buy them so the job of installing them is easier to do yourself. When you buy a new window it comes with instructions so you want to install the window as specified. The following are general instructions on installing a new window yourself.

Prepare the window opening
You must first decide where to install the window. If you are replacing an existing window then most of the work is already done for you. If you are adding a new window you need to measure the window area and drill a hole through each corner. Next use a level to draw lines which will mark where to cut the window opening. Start cutting the window opening from the outside and then cut the cut from the inside. Now place your window in the opening to make sure it fits. Put two small spacers at the bottom of the opening and check with a level. Add a shim or two if necessary. Nail the spacers and shims down.

Install the window
Place the window into position from the outside of your house. Start by placing the bottom of the window on the spacers and then raising the top into position. Make sure the window is level and then nail the corners into place. Finish nailing the window as specified in the instructions. Apply the sealant on the outside and inside of the window.

Finishing the installation
Now you nail the molding to the inside and outside of the window. The inside window molding should need to be painted. Paint them after it has been installed. The inside window molding are usually not included with the windows. After you install the outside window moldings caulk the space between the window and siding.